Uhai Improved Cookingstove

Uhai created a jiko that is inexpensive, efficient, and saves energy.

Uhai Jiko is the most contemporary and energy-efficient charcoal Jiko. Prof. Raphael Achola Kapiyo, Maseno University's Renewable Energy Technology Specialist and Team Leader of the Uhai Lake Forum, created and launched it in 2001.

The Uhai Jiko is an improvement/innovation of the well-known Kenya Ceramic Jiko (K.C.J). Its development was prompted by ever-increasing demand for energy, increased household energy budgets, and, most importantly, the destruction of the environment and natural resource base due to the decimation of forests and woodlots to obtain charcoal and firewood.

At this moment in time, with most houses burdened by electricity, UHAI JIKO will go a long way toward alleviating the condition of those who still rely on charcoal for energy requirements.

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Positive Aspects of Uhai Jiko

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